Pain Relief

Rapid Recovery
A shorter recovery period ensures less muscle soreness after training.

Joint Stability
Maximum joint health provides a stronger support system for your body.

Fewer Headaches
Unparalleled relaxation and enhanced cognitive function reduce headaches.

Lactic Acid Reduction
Less lactic acid production helps your muscles last longer and work harder.

Posture Correction

Post Op Rehab
Your optimized body will encounter fewer issues before or after surgery. 

Muscle Mass
Increased muscle mass provides strength and helps maintain proper posture.

Range of Motion
Increased range of motion helps loosen the fascia and reduce posture problems.

Joint Flexibility
Flexibility in the joints ensures better posture and easier body movements.

Athletic Prehab

Muscular Endurance
Muscular endurance helps you in the gym and protects against injury. 

Staying flexible ensures a lower chance for injury while promoting athleticism.

Increased Strength
Stronger muscles ensure added protection for your fascia and bones.

Injury Prevention
Myofascial therapy balances the muscles, drastically reducing risk of injury.

Internal Health

EMF Detox
BodyBraille clears up electromagnetic field poisoning created by tech devices.

Meridian Balancing
Intuitive touch backed by the science and art of chakra/reiki energy work.

Anti Aging
Improved physical/mental capabilities combine to promote a youthful vitality.

Lymphatic Stimulation
A healthy lymphatic system ensures the removal of toxins from the muscle tissue.